Here is the place to add a new resource to this collection. Please complete the following form. Note that each contribution is reviewed and moderated by our AI committee before being made publically available.

Add a resource to this collection? Excellent! Use the form below to share it.

Enter a descriptive title for this resource that works well as a headline when listed on this site.

Upload Image

This image will be thumbnail of the resource that will appear on the homepage and the top of your resource. Drag and drop an image file (or click to use a file selector) to upload it. You can use JPG, PNG, or GIF files up to 157 Mb in size.

Drag file or click to select file to upload

To provide better web accessibility and search results, enter a short alternative text that can be substituted for this image.

Please publish contributor names ranging from a single author to multiple team members so that we know who submitted your resource.

Use the submission area below the toolbar to write and format your writing. You can also paste formatted content here (e.g. from MS Word or Google Docs).

Resource submission criteria

  • Brief Description of Resource (3-5 short sentences)
  • Instructions for Use/Implementation
  • AI Tool Used
  • Prep Time Needed
  • Classroom Time Needed
  • Student Learning Outcomes
  • Assessment Considerations
  • Recommended Course Size
  • Recommended Discipline(s)
  • Student Role(s)
  • Instructor Role

Enter name of a person, web site, etc to give credit for the photo submitted above.

Check all categories that will help organize this resource. If no categories apply to your resource, you may leave it as uncategorized.

Please provide an email address when your idea draft is published, so that you can request a special link that will allow you to edit it again should you need to do so.

Add any notes or messages to send to the ASSETT team; this will not be part of what is published. If you wish to be contacted, leave an email address as well.

You can preview how your resource will look when published; when ready, share it to this collection.